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We treat Scars in a non-invasive holistic, all-natural, drug-free way
so you can feel well in your skin.


At Pretty Scars, we use Dolphin Neurostim units to deliver Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) to deliver non-invasive minuscule amounts of current to the skin. This technique sends waves through fascia just under the skin to lengthen and smooth tangled cells, relieve pain, restore range of motion, minimize unsightliness, and release trauma from scars.

Micro-current Point Stimulation (MPS) applies less than one milliamp of direct current using hand-held tools also called Dolphin Neurostims to areas of the body involved in soft tissue pain including scar tissue. It is used to gently calm the nervous system, release endorphins that relieve pain and cause bioelectric changes for functional and aesthetic improvement.

 MPS Dolphin Neurostim Unit

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Shoulder scar After
4 MPS Sessions
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 Same scar 1 Month Post op

At Pretty Scars, we offer scar release services for residents of Phoenix and Indianapolis who want to improve the look and feel of their scars. We provide personalized treatment plans that fit your unique needs.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.
Mountain Cliff Hiker

Treating scar tissue with Micro-current Point Stimulation (MPS) reduces dermal trauma, adhesions, and fascia restrictions; allowing scar tissue to be less ropey, discolored, and contracted, returning it closer to normal pain-free functioning as possible. Scar release can be applied to a pre-surgical site, around a wound or burn, or regions where adhesions are suspected. You will notice change at the first session and up to 70% improvement in pain including referred pain within the first few sessions. It is never too late to release a scar. Decades-old scars will change with MPS.

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